
29 August, 2012

A messy kitchen and the bigger statement.

Last night I had two goals
1. Make a killer award winning salsa.
2. Make fantastic white chicken chili.
I accomplished both, but the resulting kitchen chaos was ridiculous. I took some pictures to commemorate the disaster. Whatever, it was acceptable- I was both emptying the dishwasher and loading it while putting away various ingredients.
What struck me almost immediately was how I would have reacted to someone else making that kind of mess in my domain. Namely, my husband. I would have shit bricks had I walked in the room at the point of my pictures. And I can assume my tone would have been bitchy and accusatory.
It's not fair and it wouldn't have been nice. But I know it would have been angry. I showed him the pictures and explained my realization. He agreed.
Being a wife is a tricky game sometimes. I didn't fail last night, but I could have. Score 1 for me!

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