
18 September, 2011

Week 1 of Farrell's

Week one was many things- none of them were disappointing.
The format is Cardio/kickboxing MWF and resistance strength training TTHS. A lot of this week was establishing a working vocab and understanding of the exercises. Although, that doesn't mean we took tons of time with form. Saturday there was an extra "techniques" class- that my daughter's soccer game prevented me from attending.

I am in the 5am class, which I really dig. There early but then the rest of the day is ahead of me and there's no big dreaded workout looming over me all day. I like the cardio kick boxing a little better than the strength days, not because they are any easier but because I like learning new 'moves'. Their big thing is working out at your level 10, which is as hard as you an go for each exercise. I definitely felt level 10 on my strength days, felt is like a slap in the face.... I didn't know I was so weak, well I did know I just didn't have to feel it for a very long time. The intensity level of the instructors was perfect for me. Intense but fun loving. They want to be there and like what they're doing, but they aren't super buzzed or in your face yelling.

Now, where I did struggle was nutrition. Don't we all? Yes, I struggled but didn't fail. This week I really focused on increasing the protein and decreasing the carbs. I tried to eat 6 times a day with mostly success. I did pretty well about logging everything I ate, it was just recording the carbs and protein that I slacked on. But, I plan on improving in this area too. It's all about awareness and improvement for me.

I'm really looking forward to week 2. I am looking to improve the quality and quantity of my crunches and sit ups, as 3 c-sections have left me flabby and with no muscles in my abdomen. I'm going to do more green bands on the strength days (that's the next harder band in the world of resistance bands). And I can't wait to have more of the moves incorporated into the work outs.

My only complaint- The classes are supposed to be 45 minutes. And each one has gone a little over. Throwing off my 'home by 6' plan of getting 2 girls ready each morning and out the door by 7:30. I'm sure it's the first week explanations that are making us go over. Hopefully that will change.

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